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Exempel på hur du använder ANIMI i en mening
- Deo Opt Max ac Virgini Deiparae sanctisque patronis suis divus Sigismundus Poloniae Rex
campanam hanc dignam animi operumque ac gestorum suorum magnitudine fieri fecit anno salutis
MDXX. - The word, like the older term animi, appears to have been derived from enhaemon (ἔναιμον): the name of a styptic medicine said by Pliny to contain tears exuded by the olive tree of Arabia.
- In "Machina arithmetica in qua non additio tantum et subtractio sed et multiplicatio nullo, diviso vero paene nullo animi labore peragantur", written in 1685, Leibniz described an arithmetic machine he had invented that was made by linking two separate machines, one to perform additions/subtractions and one for multiplications/divisions.
- Beside the Dilucidationes, he wrote De harmonia animi et corporis humani commentatio (Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1735; Tübingen, 1741); De origine et permissione mali (1724), an account of the Leibnitzian theodicy.
- reprinted, with alterations, at Liège (1571), under the title, A Treatise concerning the Defence of the Honour of Marie, Queene of Scotland, made by Morgan Philip pes, Bachelor of Divinitie, Piae afflicts animi consoleiones, ad Mariam Scot.
- He wrote (in Latin):
Morbi vi, iit fit, consiimtiin esse, sed, ut ejus obitiim faciant, scribunt, eum sibi ipsum manus attulisse: aliitaedio vitae, quod patriara suam ambitionc, avaritia, luxuria, discordia, etsimilibus civitatuin, qiiap diu floruerunt, et jam senescunt, morbis aestuare atque afflictari videret: alii aegritudine animi, quod memmii sui, qui in exilium pulsus erat, tristem casum aequo animo ferre non posset: alii iurore percitum, in quem Lucilia, sive uxor sive amica, amatorio poculo porrecto, eum imprudens adegerat, cum ab eo amari, non ei necem inferre, aut bonam mentem adimere, vallet.
- Angor animi (also referred to as angina animi, Gairdner's disease and also angina pectoris sine dolore), in medicine, is a symptom defined as a patient's perception that they are in fact dying.
- In 1565, he wrote an essay supporting the claim to the throne of Mary Stuart, which was later included in John Lesley's A Treatise concerning the Defence of the Honour of Marie, Queene of Scotland, made by Morgan Philippes, Bachelar of Divinitie, Piae afflicts animi consoleiones, ad Mariam Scot.
- LIX-508 (De tranquillitate animi; De virtute et vitio; De virtute morali; An virtus doceri possit; Quomodo quis suos in virtute sentiat profectus; Animine an corporis affectiones sint peiores; De vitioso pudore; De cohibenda ira; De garrulitate; De curiositate ; De invidia et odio ; De cupiditate divitiarum).
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