Definition, Betydelse, Synonymer & Anagram | Engelska ordet CLOTHE


Definition av CLOTHE

  1. klä
  2. isolera



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Exempel på hur du använder CLOTHE i en mening

  • These shops produced cheap footwear that was sold south to clothe slaves, and the Civil War destroyed the town's industry.
  • This was followed in 1628 by the use of martial law, forcing private citizens to feed, clothe and accommodate soldiers and sailors, which implied the king could deprive any individual of property, or freedom, without justification.
  • Several species are cultivated as climbing ornamentals, and the name ivy especially denotes common ivy (Hedera helix), known in North America as "English ivy", which is frequently planted to clothe brick walls.
  • Ryan objected that Moynihan then located the proximate cause of the plight of black Americans in the prevalence of a family structure in which the father was often sporadically, if at all, present, and the mother was often dependent on government aid to feed, clothe, and provide medical care for her children.
  • As a result, Hodson and Lumsden had the joint distinction of being the first officers to clothe a regiment in Khaki, which many view as the precursor of modern camouflage uniform.
  • Allah will not punish you for the oaths you make accidentally, but He will punish you for the oaths you make intentionally; for the expiation of oaths made or violated accidentally feed ten Masakin (poor persons), on a scale of the average of that with which you feed your own families; or clothe them; or manumit a slave.
  • Antenna, head, thorax and abdomen black, antenna with some few minute white specks; beneath: head and thorax anteriorly with olivaceous pubescence, thorax posteriorly and abdomen covered with long white hairs, which also clothe the dorsal margin of the hindwing.
  • You are on no account to put on linen or hempen garments, but to clothe yourselves in white dresses of coarse wool and fur (pelliceas).
  • The murder of Gaius Gracchus in 121 BC marked a low point in the relationship between the emerging Roman aristocracy and the popular party, and was immediately followed by the reconstruction of the Temple of Concord by Lucius Opimius at the senate's behest, which was regarded as an utterly insincere attempt to clothe its actions in a symbolic act of reconciliation.
  • It is evidently much relished by stock, and is worthy of introduction in sand-hill districts near the sea, or saline soil inland; it would clothe the wet fiats with a valuable sward.
  • September 18 – The "Symbolist Manifesto" (Le Symbolisme) is published in French newspaper Le Figaro by Greek-born poet Jean Moréas, who announces that Symbolism is hostile to "plain meanings, declamations, false sentimentality and matter-of-fact description," and that its goal instead is to "clothe the Ideal in a perceptible form" whose "goal was not in itself, but whose sole purpose was to express the Ideal".
  • Despite sumptuary laws aimed at restricting the bourgeois wear of prestige fabrics and garments, growing wealth in the mercantile sector gave non-aristocrats the means to clothe themselves luxuriously.
  • feed the hungry, clothe the naked, oppress none, set free them bounden, if this be not, all your Religion is a lye, a vanity, a cheat, deceived and deceiving.
  • The apostolate of the society is to assist in parish ministries by performing the Corporal Works of Mercy: to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty, shelter to the homeless, tend the sick, visit those in prison, and bury the dead; as well as the Spiritual Works of Mercy: to convert sinners, instruct the ignorant, counsel the wayward, comfort the sorrowing, bear adversity patiently, forgive offenses, and pray for the living and the dead.
  • Presented to the Merchant Taylors' Company of London by Charles Hoskyns in 1588, he was appointed Chief Butler for the occasion in 1607 upon which James I, the queen and prince were banqueted at the Company Hall, and supplied a requisition of 19 ells of taffeta to clothe the three singers brought into the feast in a ship.
  • The dead are not embalmed prior to interment; instead, the preparers ritually wash the body within a few hours after death and clothe it in simple white garments.
  • Turney keeps a hotel, Martin and Frankenheimer feed the hungry and clothe the naked, and Frank Wilder is sending acres of mud down Shady Creek, covering up ranches, destroying the navigation of the Sacramento, but putting pounds of filthy lucre in his pocket.
  • Following the dissolution of the monasteries, the house was referred to as the Steward's Lodging and was used for some time as weavers' lodgings: "every corner of the vast houses of office which belonged to the abbaye", Leland noted in 1540, "be fulle of lumbes to weve clothe yn" The present roofline and dormers date to the 17th century, and the west extension was added in 1908.
  • Kramer discusses the story of the god An creating the cattle-goddess, Lahar, and the grain goddess, Ashnan, to feed and clothe the Anunnaki, who in turn made man.
  • The mai gida held the fruits of gandu production in trust and was obliged to feed, clothe, and pay taxes and ceremonial expenses of his household from the gandu produce during the agricultural season.

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