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  • Res mancipi required elaborate and inconvenient formal methods of conveyance to transfer title (a formal mancipatio ceremony, or in iure cessio).
  • However, with the creation of banovinas in 1929, the territory became part of the Littoral Banovina, and in 1939 it was incorporated in the Banovina of Croatia, where it de iure remained until 1943.
  • The optimo iure, who held these rights as well as the ius suffragii and ius honorum (the additional rights to vote and to hold office).
  • On 15 May 1365 the Bishop of Brescia Enrico Sessa invests iure feuds for a tenth of the rights in the territories of Breno, Vione, Vezza, Sonico, Malonno, Berzo Demo, Astrio, Ossimo and Losine Giovanni and Gerardo sons of Pasino Federici of Mu.
  • Many scholars have argued for the importance of Vitoria and Suárez as the forerunners and founders of the International law field, and the precursors of the seminal text De iure belli ac pacis by Grotius.
  • The purchaser, taking hold of the thing, says: Hunc ego hominem ex iure Quiritium meum esse aio isque mihi emptus esto hoc aere aeneaque libra ('I affirm that this slave is mine according to quiritary right, and he is purchased by me with this piece of bronze and scales').
  • The privileges granted by Ladislaus II at Brześć Kujawski (25 April 1425), Jedlnia (4 March 1430) and Kraków (9 January 1433) introduced or confirmed the rule known as Neminem captivabimus nisi iure victum which prevented a noble from being arrested unless found guilty.
  • edu/34702433/De_Iure_-_Nicol%C3%A1s_G%C3%B3mez_D%C3%A1vila_Bilingual_edition_ De iure, Bilingual Edition, translated by Tomás Molina, in: Revista del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario Vl 3.
  • In addition to producing such influential philosophical and theological works as the Summulae (1529), a manual of logic; De natura et gratia (1547), a polemic against Protestant soteriology; and his commentaries on Aristotle (1543 and 1545), on Paul's epistle to the Romans (1550), and on Peter Lombard's Sentences (1557), Soto contributed significantly to the development of political and legal theory, principally through his De iustitia et iure (1553), his most important jurisprudential work, in which he proposed that the ordinance of reason (rationis ordinatio) was the mechanism by which laws could be evaluated.
  • Lady María Josefa de Borja Pimentel y Téllez-Girón iure uxoris Duchess of Osuna, suo jure 12th Duchess of Benavente (26 November 1752 – 5 October 1834), was a Spanish Salonnière, famous as a patron of artists, writers and scientists and an important figure of the Spanish Age of Enlightenment.
  • Juan Francisco de Leyva y de la Cerda, 5th Marquess of Adrada, iure uxoris 2nd Count of Baños (2 February 1604 – 27 March 1678) was a Spanish nobleman and viceroy of New Spain from 16 September 1660 to 28 June 1664.
  • In 1970, prior to the 1971 population census in Yugoslavia, Mikulić confronted a group of older generation of Bosnian officials, including two powerful Muslim politicians, who complained to Tito that the (m)uslim national status does not need any further resolution nor de iure verification, because, as they contended, (m)uslims are merely an Islamised Serbs, Montenegrins, Croats, and Yugoslavs, after which Tito requested Mikulić's immediate presence and explanation.
  • As a favor to his Datary, Baldassare Turini, who was a cleric and notary of the diocese of Lucca, and Lorenzo de Cecchis, who was a Doctor in utroque iure and parish priest of the church of S.
  • The usual authorities such as city council, magistrate and dual mayorship ("II viri iure dicundo") are known in part by name.
  • Nucleus Pandectarum paratitlaris : praemissâ ad singulos quinquaginta libros tabulâ generali & singulorum librorum tabulis specialibus, qua seriem materiarum cognos cendam apprime utilibs, ex texta legum historia chronologica iure.
  • His treatises De Indis recenter inventis and De iure belli Hispanorum in barbaros influenced subsequent imperial legislation, especially the "New Law for the Indies" in 1542, which sought to reduce the brutality of exploitation of the American native peoples.
  • Gioffredo Balbo was professor of law, and author of the Tractatus plurimarum decisionum per modum conclusionum qui semita recta causidicorum et iudicum appellatur, published in Turin 1497, and in Milan in 1538 as Iaffredi Lanfranci Balbi magni iurisconsulti insignisque Cherianorum practici observationes nonnularum in iure decisionum.
  • The most frequent way of constituting an easement was the in iure cessio in a vindicatio servitutis initiated by the owner of the future dominant estate against the owner of the future servient estate; it was also common for it to be constituted by means of a vindicatory legacy or judicial adjudication.

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