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Exempel på hur man kan använda YEARE i en mening
- The 1622 Survey of County Cavan states:
Sir Richard Greames, holdeth 1000 acres of this land, upon which there is built a Bawne of stone and lyme, sixty foot square and nine foot high, with a little stone house within, where in Lieutenant William Ruttledge dwelleth and hath a lease thereof and of 200 acres of land for 21 yeares and the rest of Sir Richard's 1000 acres are sett to the Irish from yeare to yeare, who plowgh after ye Irish fashion.
- Thomas Clarke, the rector at the time of the puritan ‘Survei of the Ministrie in Warwickshier’ of 1586, was described; "parson no precher nor learned, yet honest of life & zealous in religion he hath 3 or 4 charges & cures beside that of Kynerton, Witeley? (Weethley) he supplieth by his deputies: his hirelinges that serue by his non-residentship are all dumbe & idle & some of them gamsters : vah of all Ixxx" a yeare.
- þet þis boc is uolueld ine þe eve of þe holy apostles Symon an Iudas / of ane broþer of þe cloystre of sanynt Austin of Canterburi / ine þe yeare of oure lhordes beringe 1340.
- The survey of the clergy by the puritans in 1586 described the then vicar, Thomas Clarke, "parson no precher nor learned, yet honest of life & zealous in religion he hath 3 or 4 charges & cures beside that of Kynerton, he supplieth by his deputies, his hirelinges that serue by his non-residency are all dumbe & idle & some of them gamsters : vah of all Ixxx a yeare".
- The survey of the clergy by the puritans in 1586 described the Rector Humphrey Style thus; "Humfrie Stile 'parson dumbe and unlearned a common alehousehaunter and of suspected life : Value xx markes by the yeare".
- Not long after dyed also Reginald Grey Earle of Kent, whom the Queene a yeare before had raised from a private man to the honour of Earle of Kent, after that this title had lyen asleepe the space of fifty yeares from the death of Richard Grey Earle of Kent, who had set his Patrimony flying, and was elder Brother to this mans Grandfather.
finished & ended the leventh of September in the yeare of our lorde god 1591 & in the 33 yeare of the raigne of our sofferaine ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god queene of Englande etc, by me Jo.
- The puritan "Survei of the Ministrie in Warwickshier" of 1586 has some harsh words for the then Rector; "Geoffrie Heath parson dumbe idle and popish a verie dissolute man of life, he married first another mans wife, got a maide with childe, married a third; a common alehouse haunter and useth in (cantation) to plaie after a sorte the reconciler amongest the simple; value xx markes by the yeare".
- His official role in these memorable events appears in the narratives:
"The 10 of July at v of the clock in the afternone was proclamation made, with a trompetter, and 2 of the harouldes Kinges of Armes, and Mr Garret, the sheriffe, rydinge with them, of the death of our late soueraigne Edward VIth, and howe he had ordeyned by his letters patents, bearinge date the 21 of June last, the sayd Quene Jane to be heyre to the crowne of England and the heyres males of hir body lawfully begotten; which proclamation was made in 4 partes of the City of London, under the greate seale of England, bearinge date the 10 daye of July, in the Tower of London, and the first yeare of the raigne of Quene Jane, Quene of England, Fraunce and Ireland, Defender of the Fayth, and of the church of England and Ireland the supreme head".
- And Afterwards In Ripeness of Age and Fulness of Happie yeares yt Is to Saie ye 7th Day of Avgvst 1613 in ye 69 Yeare Of His Age, He Left This Life For a Better, Leaving Also Behind Him Livinge Together With His Virtvovs Wife 6 Soones & 2 Davghters.
- The jurors noted that "vpon ye mountaynes and commons in and about this manno' do breed moore cockes and growes, w'ch gentlemen of ye countrey of Chesshire and other places do hawke and take them at some seasons of the yeare".
- William Godorous, a very curious and learned gentleman, shewed me a root hereof that waied half an hundredweight, and of the bignes of a child of a yeare old.
- A Survey of the Great Duke's State of Tuscany, in the yeare of our Lord 1596, which appeared in 1605, and was followed the next year by A Method for Travell: shewed by taking the view of France as it stoode in the yeare of our Lord 1598.
- Shee when shee had passed neare 36 yeres in the exercise of religioues and morall duties and they boathe had lived together almost halfe a yeare upwards of 17 (without knoweing the other 2 whose comforts they envyed) died the 24th of July in the yeare of our Lord 1615.
- They had also "taken away 8 shallops, burned the caske, broke the coolers, and spoyled all the other materialls fitt for the said fishing, to the overthrow of the voyage, and had demolished the houses and broken downe the fort and Plattforme built the yeare before for defense of the said harbor".
- Inscribed below is the following Gothic text: "Here lyeth the bodye of Margaret the wife of Henry Rolle Esquier, daughter and hayre of Robert Yeo Esquire who deceased the Vth day of January and in ye yeare of Our Lorde God 1591".
- This yeare and the xviijth of September 1570 one Syr Rychard Newport a valiant knyght of Shropshire and of a pryncely personage dysceassyd for whose deathe there was mutche mone made in Shrosberye.
- The Copies of all such Verses, Proses, or Poeticall inuentions, and other deuices of pleasure, as were there deuised, and presented by sundry Gentlemen, before the QVENES MAIESTIE: In the yeare 1575.
- Here lyethe Alexander Denton sone and heyre to Thomas Denton Esquire and Mary his second wfe one of the dawghters of Syr Roger Martyn Knight, which Alexander Denton decesed the 8 Day of Januarye in the yeare of out Lorde God 1576 and Mary the 12th Day of Julie in the year of our Lorde God 1574 to whom our Lorde graunte joyfol resurrection and erectyd at the charge of Margeret Denton.
- A century later, Anthony A Wood recorded a load of billet wood as costing 12s 6d; while extravagance consisted of "burning in one yeare threescore pounds worth of the choicest billet".
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