Synonymer & Information om | Engelska ordet AEGIRINE



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Exempel på hur man kan använda AEGIRINE i en mening

  • It occurs associated with aegirine, sodalite, nepheline, neptunite, lamprophyllite, pectolite, serandite, eudialyte, ussingite, chkalovite and zeolites.
  • Jeffersonite is a dark green pyroxene mineral, a manganese zinc enriched variety of augite, chemical formula , sometimes compared to aegirine.
  • The black spots on some specimens are either augite or aegirine, the latter occurring in almost all charoites since they commonly grow together.
  • Abenakiite-(Ce) was discovered in a sodalite syenite xenolith at Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada, together with aegirine, eudialyte, manganoneptunite, polylithionite, serandite, and steenstrupine-(Ce).
  • Sugilite was first described in 1944 by the Japanese petrologist Ken-ichi Sugi (1901–1948) for an occurrence on Iwagi Islet, Japan, where it is found in an aegirine syenite intrusive stock.
  • At the margins of the outcrop patches of nepheline syenite occur; usually the nepheline is decomposed, but occasionally it is well-preserved; the other ingredients of the rock are brown garnet (melanite) and aegirine.
  • It is found in nepheline syenite and in miarolitic cavities in nepheline syenite, associated with nepheline, albite, microcline, aegirine, natrolite, catapleiite, kupletskite, eudialyte, cancrinite, villiaumite, rinkite, and donnayite-(Y).
  • It occurs in nepheline syenites and pegmatites in association with aegirine, nepheline, microcline, arfvedsonite, elpidite, loparite, eudialyte, astrophyllite, mangan-neptunite, lavenite, rinkite, apatite, titanite and ilmenite.
  • The first sample of baotite was found with galena, pyrite, albite, aegirine and alkali amphiboles in a quartz vein cutting quartzite at the Bayan Obo Mine in China.
  • Of these the former consists of orthoclase, nepheline, sodalite, diopside and aegirine, biotite and sphene.
  • Callander Bay contains uncommon rocks such as nepheline syenite and carbonatite and the minerals: aegirine, amphibole, analcime, apatite, barite, biotite, calcite, cancrinite, chalcopyrite, chlorite, diopside, dolomite, fluorite, garnet, hematite, kaersutite, magnetite, muscovite, nepheline, olivine, perthite, pyrite, pyroxene and pyrrhotite.
  • At the Khibiny massif it occurs in veins in nepheline syenite associated with titanite, pectolite, astrophyllite, biotite and aegirine.
  • Mafic minerals may include aegirine, fayalite, aenigmatite, ilmenite, and sodic amphibole (often arfvedsonite or ferrorichterite).
  • The tephrites contain analcime, anorthoclase, clinopyroxene, hauyne, magnetite, olivine, phlogopite and pyroxene dominated by augite and lesser aegirine.
  • Associating minerals are aegirine, arfvedsonite, eudialyte, nepheline, potassic feldspar, and sodalite.
  • Greenland: The mineral occurs at the type locality in the Ilimaussaq intrusive complex, Greenland, as a cavity filling in late-stage, low-temperature veins with adularia, natrolite and aegirine, and in late natrolite-albite bodies.
  • Serandite has been found in association with aegirine, analcime, arfvedsonite, astrophyllite, eudialyte, fluorite, leucophanite, mangan-neptunite, microcline, nepheline, sodalite, and villiaumite.
  • It occurs associated with aegirine, microcline, albite, elpidite, epididymite, taeniolite, pectolite, calcite, galena and quartz.
  • Gugiaite is usually found in skarn in contact with alkaline syenite with melanite, orthoclase, aegirine, titanite, apatite, vesuvianite, and prehnite.
  • Associated minerals are aegirine, batisite, eckermanite, innelite, lorezenite, natrolite, microcline, thorite, and galena.

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