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  • Once in position, he sent a message to the king saying that "at ii howres after none he wolde speke with hym, or elles dye in the feeld".
  • He was determined to capture Bothwell and declared to the Earl of Bedford, Governor of Berwick:
    Albeit I be na gud seeman, I promes unto your lordschip, gyf I may anes enconter with hym eyther be see or land, he sall eyther carre me with hym, or ellis I sall bryng hym dead or quik to Edinbrucht.
  • A notable and maruailous epistle of the famous Doctor Mathewe Gribalde, professor of the law in the vniuersitie of Padua: concerning the terrible judgement of god vpon hym, that for feare of men denyeth Christ, and the knowen veritie: with a Preface of Doctor Caluine.
  • After inquiries, the King wrote to Surrey that, as they had "noon evident testimonies" to convict the Earl, he thought it but just to "release hym out of warde, and putt hym under suretie not to departe this our realme without our special lisense".
  • One example is the text "smot hym on the hede with a nege tool" from 1448 in the Paston Letters, meaning "smote him on the head with an edge tool".

  • And thus he travayled seven yere
    In many a land bothe farre and nere,
    Tyll on a day he thought hym tho
    Unto the sepulture for to go.
  • The Bessiles family had been settled at Besils-Leigh in Berkshire since the reign of King Edward I, but originated in Provence in France and were "men of activitye in feates of arms as it appearith in monuments at Legh; how he faught in listes with a straunge knyghte that challengyd hym, at the whitche deade the kynge and quene at that time of England were present".
  • And oon of thies strange men ranne the said Somersett thorowe with a launce staff by hynd him, and oon other did strike hym to the harte with a dagger, and the thirde stroke the said Somersettis boye on the face with his sword.
  • He published his first writings against the doctrines of John Frith, as The confutacyon of the fyrst parte of Frythes boke: with a dysputacyon before whether it be possyble for any heretike to know that hym selfe is one or not.
  • He lodges at Alderman Buckleys Howse, and here is a speciall Care taken, to make hym see he is welcome; he continues here all this winter.
  • But now pray to hym þat þou hast þer in þi hondys, þat he sende no vengauwce vpon vs for oure mysbeleue! and so þe sacrament turnet into his forme of bred as hit was beforn; and þai weren good men and perfyte alway aftyr in þe beleue.
  • The story itself is told with satirical intent, with its introduction of the false witnesses as "The faithful wolf, in trowth that doth delite,/ And with hym comyth the gentil foule, the kyte".
  • Foxe in a certen Boke intytuled the ſeconde Volume of the Eccleſiaſticall Hyſtorye; conteynynge the Actes & Monuments of Martyres: whych was broughte unto hym (as yt may be ſuppoſed) by ſome uncharytable & malycyous ſlaunderer agaynſte Thomas Thackhame Myniſter: wherby yt maye well appere unto the gentle Reader both howe much the Wryter off that Hyſtorye hathe bene abuſed, and howe wrongfullye the ſayed Thomas Thackham hathe bene ſlaundered (as though he had been an Informer againſt Julins Palmer the Martyr) 11.
  • Mowbray was instructed to "have bysilie in his mynde and for kepyng of his honour observe in all poyntes tharticle assured as wele by hym as other lordes and estates of this land in the kynges hande at the last parlement holden at Westm'".
  • 1550, Oswen issued his edition of the New Testament, Cranmer's version, a copy of which is in the British Museum, and in this year printed also Matteo Gribaldi's 'Notable epistle concerning the terrible iudgement of God vpon hym that for feare of men denyeth Christ and the knowen veritie,' Zwingli's 'Short pathwaye to the ryghte and true vnderstanaing of the holye Scriptures,' and Veron's ' Godly saiyngs of the old auncient faithful fathers vpon the Sacrament of the bodye and bloude of Chryste.

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